星期三, 4月 25, 2007

Titan's Commemorative Speech

1 則留言:

Gina 提到...

Instead of giving a commemorative speech, Titan chose to give us an after-dinner speech. Since it is an after-dinner speech, which is to entertain the audience, Titan actually performed in a very interesting and relaxing way. Here, I concluded several strong points that are good for him. First, even he used the topic of riding motorcycles again, he still express his passion in his speech. In the beginning, he also emphasized that he really love motorcycles very much, so he chose it as a topic again. At that time, all the audience laughed and I think he achieved the purpose for giving after-dinner speeches. Later he concluded four questions to ask the audiences and that is my second strong point to him. Titan had a good interaction with his audience this time, because riding motorcycles is usual for us and he mentioned some apposite situations that are always happened to us. For example, he talked about “making a right turn during the red light” and “make turns after you light up a turning signal”, these two are the closest situations happened in our daily life. And I noticed that the audience did have some facial responses which showed they have the same feeling as the speaker.
However, here I also concluded the weak points for him to improve next time. First, even it is an after-dinner speech; I think he should be more aware of the grammar. He could express more complete sentences rather than rumbling. Second, I think since riding motorcycles is the topic he knows a lot, Titan should have not holding the draft in his hands while delivering. If he didn’t rely on the draft, the speech would be lively, smoothly, and complete.