星期三, 4月 25, 2007

Jenny's commemorative speech

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Michael Huang 1093200101

The subject of Jenny’s commemorative speech is梅艷芳. First, I’m very interested in her, who was a great singer and actress. Although I admire her, I don’t know much about her whole career. How did she become a singer and an actress? Why was she so famous? Something like that. Fortunately, Jenny’s commemorative speech gave a clear idea of what she was. Undoubtedly, 梅艷芳 is a person should be praised because of her extraordinary life. Jenny mentioned, 梅艷芳 should be honored for her dedication of show business, including won lots of awards. Besides, she donated lots of money to charitable organizations. Her unconventional love to helpless should be highly praised.
Jenny’s speech delivered very naturally, which is meaningful to me, at least I’m very interested in her subject. It’s great that she didn’t seem too nervous in the whole speech. But there are some suggestions for her. Actually, I don’t feel any sentiments or feelings in her speech. The topic is a commemorative speech, affection should be very important. She had to express her admiration to梅艷芳, not just read the sentence without any affection. I hope she can improve this part for the next presentation.