星期二, 5月 29, 2007

Jasmine's Persuasive Speech (Value)

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Jasmine Lee

Self-evaluation for speech of value

Generally speaking, I think I did a better job than my previous speeches. Actually, this topic is really close to our life. I prepared my draft charily due to I hope my speech could get more attention from my audiences. Also, through these speeches, I learn that how to organize and analyze the information what I prepare well. After my speech, I still not quite satisfied with my presentation even though I thought it was better than previous ones. First of all, it might be better if I gave my audiences more eye contact. Next, it is good that I was not nervous during my speech. However, I hope I can show myself more ease and confident. Thirdly, I’m glad for my advancement of speech. I learn a lot through teacher’s instruction, through classmates’ well performances and through my own improvement. It is quite crucial for me to do the next speech well.