2003 Speech presenting the Distinguished Service Award
NC/SLA Horizon Award - 1999, Presentation by Ellen Leadem, to Kristen Roland
(You need to scroll down the webpage)
1991 Nobel Laureate
Awarded 12th ACMP Marvin D. Williams, Professional Achievement Award
British Royal Award
Bill Clinton
Acceptance Speeches
Speech Topics Help website
From Speech Guru
Ida Nemec, Recipient, 2001 Muriel Fuller Award
Acceptance Speech, WLA Awards Banquet, October, 2001
Humorous article about Oscar speeches, read on!
2007 AWSN Minerva Mentoring Award Recipient
星期日, 3月 04, 2007
Speeches of Presentation
Image courtesy of cartoonstock.com
Online Presentation: March 26, 2077
Write and present a speech of presentation where you will be presenting an award. To do this, you need to work with a partner. If you were to give your partner an award, what would that be and why? Prepare a 1-2 minute speech of presentation to be awarded to your chosen recipient on the night of March 26, 2007. Please follow the criteria below.
Occasion: Special Awards Night
1. state the purpose of the award
2. acknowledge the achievements of the recipient (the person receiving the award)
3. tell the audience why the recipient is receiving the award.
4. point out her/his contributions, achievements, etc.
5. Focus on the achievements related to the award.
6. Discuss the recipient’s achievements that make them meaningful to the audience
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