星期一, 5月 28, 2007

Kevin's Persuasive Speech (Value)

1 則留言:

KevinCheng 提到...

According to my speech, I think I had found some information about the cosmetic surgery. During my presentation, I think my content is not bad because I knew how to meet the requirements of this task. I also tried to make my speech slowly to make the audience know what I was talking about. I had rehearsal my speech many time before the presentation.
I had checked my last speech (commemorative speech in order to find out some weaknesses. there were too much unnecessary gesture in my speech. I tried to avoid it at this presentation and tired to make it become more natural and fluency. Another weakness is about the pronunciation which is kind of problems in my speech, but I have tried to practice more and more to make my speech become better. During my persuasive presentation, I missed my card of the conclusion and then I became nervous. Therefore, I can't make my conclusion very well. I think I can make my speech better at next time. I will try to avoid the unnecessary gesture in next presentation.
All in all, I believe that practice make me become more confidence.