星期日, 3月 18, 2007


1 則留言:

Gina Yang 提到...

Jessie chose Yu Kwang Chung as the guest in our graduation ceremony. At first, with the content of her speech, I noticed that she actually described Professor Yu with some good words, such as prolific, versatile, and resourceful. I think that is good for the audience to notice how important and special the guest will be. Besides, she not only mentioned about many experiences of Professor Yu, but also pointed out something the audience may not know to attract the attention from the audience. I think that is also good.
When she was delivering her speech, I found that she had the sweet smile at the beginning. That is the good facial expression for the audience, especially for introducing someone important. Also, her voice is loud enough and she spoke with a smooth speed. And, her eye contact is also good. However, there is still something she can improve at the next speech. First, I think she was still a little bit nervous, because it is very clear to see that she forgot some parts of her draft. And since she started to memorize her draft, she began to lose her eye contact with the audience. In my opinion, when she forgot what to say, instead of repeating the same words or sentences, she should have stopped a while, and try to use some other words. That would be not so weird or embarrassed. For those points I mentioned, I hope that can help her to do better at the next time.